10 Months of Rhys

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My baby Baymax just updated to version 10.0 months old.

I am spending a TON of time with this kid these days. We had some snags with our childcare situation and have had to get pretty creative with taking care of Rhys while working from home. And while it’s hopefully temporary and not the most ideal situation, getting all this time with him has also been a pretty big gift.

Someday, I’ll be older. He’ll be older. And I’d give so much to live one day back in these bodies in this year- 2020- the one we rightfully love to collectively dunk on.

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This month’s highlights:
🛸 He figured out how to hitch a ride on the vacuum cleaner all on his own.
👟 New PR for steps taken: 1️⃣5️⃣!
🌳 Parks every day! Lovin’ the outdoors as always.
🐷 Piggyback rides are kinda the best now.
🦀 The tide pools are one of our favorite spots in town. So much to discover.
🔥 There’s no place we’d rather be than trying to climb up into the fireplace
💇🏾‍♂️ He’s bout ta need his first haircut real soon.

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