Life Beyond Platforms

There’s a lot being said these days about *the social platforms* and the way they’re just not what they used to be.

Social media has played a very big role in allowing me to do what I do- tell stories, promote causes and solutions, and engage my curiosity. But there’s no denying that sharing ideas and stories via the usual sites has gotten a lot less fun and rewarding in recent months.

This has made me start asking… how do I keep doing what I love doing in a world where social media vanishes? I’ve encouraged a number of teams and makers to think along those lines too. Even if that doesn’t happen… the thought experiment is a good creative exercise.

Here’s what I’m doing:

📲 My newsletter. Switching to Substack for 2023. Email’s advantage over social is that it delivers everything so the good stuff doesn’t get buried. I miss the blog era circa 2010 and developing my own consciousness through writing. I’m optimistic about seeing some of those sparks again.

📽️ I’m going on Year Three of making YouTube videos and I love the stories I’ve been able to tell so far. This is one spot where I still have a lot of fun making stuff.

It’s not so easy anymore to do the simple task of sharing stuff you care about with people you care about. With people who’ll care. If you’ve read this far, I think that’s you. If you dig the stuff I make, or just me as a person doing stuff, please subscribe! I’ve put the links in my bio.