The Art of Adda

“Adda” is a beloved pastime in the city of Kolkata. I’m not sure how to best translate the word, except to say that it’s something along the lines of “hangout,” “chit-chat,” “discussion,” “meet-up…” and yet all those definitions don’t quite capture it.

Kolkata has long been a city that celebrates intellectualism, philosophy, and literature, and to having regular gatherings of close friends to discuss recent reads, philosophical ideas, current events, personal lives, and all that is part of the city’s DNA.

It’s a practice that has led to a lot of social connection in the city, and is probably a contributor to its reputation for happiness. One of the biggest predictors of happiness is having people you regularly spend time with. It adds up. Not gonna lie, I’m pretty jealous of Kolkata for having this pastime.