Belarus, California, Iowa

How was the weekend for y’all? I got to spend a pretty good amount of time drawing, which is always a win in my book. While protests and natural disasters continue to occupy headlines, I thought I’d use some of these drawings to call attention to the people behind the stories who often go overlooked: women in Belarus, refugees in Iowa, and incarcerated firefighters in California.

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In Belarus, protests are continuing against the government nearly three weeks after the president declared victory in a suspect election. While the protests are against his authoritarianism and heavy-handed response, women have taken the lead in the protests to also decry his chauvinistic behavior. Paying attention to these events anywhere should help us better recognize it when it appears at our front door.

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In my own home state, wildfires strike regularly around this time of year, but they can still be pretty devastating, and it gets way more complicated because of COVID. One thing I hope gets more attention is how California calls on prison inmates to help fight fires. This year, fewer are available due to how COVID has hit prison populations. The use of prisoners in this role highlights important parts of conversations around prison abolition, justice, and the links to slavery. There are many ways we can do better.

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Iowa is still recovering from a derecho- a swift, inland hurricane that took out many homes and structures. While the entire story doesn’t seem to be commanding as much attention as it should, one storyline that has gotten even less attention is the strong presence of resettled refugees in Cedar Rapids, and how they are among those who’ve been hit hardest.