Best Reads of the 2010s

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You probably know I’m a pretty big devourer of books. Earlier this year, especially. I started visiting my nearby libraries much more frequently. Let me share some favorites I read in 2019, then from the decade.

Also, next year is a whole new year, so let me know if you’ve got any good recommendations for me to add to my list!

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READ IN 2019:
📘 A Map of Salt and Stars by Zeyn Joukhadar
📕 Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
📗 The Dreamers by Karen Thompson Walker
📙 American Spy by Lauren Wilkinson
📕 We Cast a Shadow by Maurice Carlos Ruffin
📙 There There by Tommy Orange
📘 If Cats Disappeared from the World by Genki Kawamura
📗 Normal People by Sally Rooney
📕 The Leavers by Lisa Ko
📕 Heavy by Kiese Laymon

I also made a list of my top favorites from the decade in both fiction and non-fiction.