But are we having any fun?

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Are you having any fun?

Once I was asked in a job interview what unique thing I would bring to the table. Without even thinking, I let out the word “fun!” The interviewer wasn’t expecting that answer, and really, I wasn’t either. I immediately started to wonder if I should’ve said something else.

I was worried that if fun was my calling card, people might question my work ethic, overlook my other skills, and not take me seriously.

But also... we probably already take ourselves too seriously.

And who works harder than a kid engrossed in play?

And as a kid, I loved Ken Griffey Jr. not just cause he dominated, but because he looked like he was having a ridiculous amount of fun at the same time.

We like to remind ourselves that life isn’t all fun and games, but sometimes we teeter dangerously close to zero fun and no games. A spirit of lightness and fun is one of the most refreshing things our world could use more of right now. Imagine if all the mean-spirited snarkiness in the world and in places of power were rooted in a sense of humor based on honesty and humility. That would be FUN.