Climbing Napulak

How to hike Mt. Napulak…

This hike was one of my favorite adventures this year so far, and a big part of it was the fact that simply getting to the start of the hike was an expedition. I found it on Google Maps, and while the pictures were gorgeous, it was unclear how to even get there.

It turned out to be a bit of an obstacle course. First, find your way to the small town of Igbaras.

Get to the town’s municipal hall. It’s on the upper floor of a building across from the public market. When we got there, a woman in the front knew exactly where to direct us.

You’ll sign in and she’ll direct you to Victor’s house. Just an ordinary house in a village.

It’s about 12 miles away. We didn’t meet Victor, but whoever was there let us use their kitchen change into your hiking clothes. By the time you’re done, your next ride will probably arrive.

Motorbikes came to pick us up and take us the to the Bagay Tourism Office- a one room output at the trailhead. That’s where you’ll pay an environmental fee and meet your guide.

And that was just the start of the adventure! It was beautiful, challenging, and definitely rewarding.