Daddy Changed the World

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Who else saw the video? I think it was the most moving thing I’ve seen all week- and that’s saying something given the kinda week it’s been.

But there’s Gianna Floyd- George’s girl
up on the shoulders of an uncle
shouting in amazement. Daddy changed the world!

He did, and as the world continues to change, I want her, Rhys, and all the kiddos of that generation to grow up in a way different world than I have.

Donating to organizations that have been doing the daily hard work of making that change happen is one of the best ways to accelerate it.

I’ve got some favorites to highlight here. Both newly discovered faves and longtime faves. Check my slider to see the specific things I love about each of them.

The Bail Project
Color of Change
Equal Justice Initiative
Ag in the City Louisville
Black Female Therapists
National Police Accountability Project
Campaign Zero

Here are three things about helping these and other orgs:

1️⃣ The best way to support these orgs financially is through a recurring monthly donation.
Single gifts are fine, but subscribing to donating helps far more.

2️⃣ When applicable, subscribe to their newsletters!
As someone who writes these sorts of things, I try to make our emails full of learning opportunities.

3️⃣ Lend vocal support to your favorite orgs.
If you wanna be humble and keep the amount you gave to yourself, that’s cool. But sharing the name of the orgs you support- financially and otherwise- helps create mass appeal.

On that note, who are your favorite racial justice orgs?