Dr. Dodoy's Farm

Meet Dr. Dodoy, the doctor-turned-farmer, but also still-a-doctor who welcomed us on to his eco-farm in the Philippines. He greeted us with some goodies: cassava, coconut juice, and plantains… all of which were grown on his farm.

His crops are doing well. So is his fishery and his bees and his livestock. Other people have taken an interest in learning from what he does so he hopes to expand his farm into a training center. The farmers I’ve met around the world are the most generous people when it comes to sharing knowledge and things they’ve learned from experience about what works.

It’s why promoting things like soil conservation agriculture and tree intercropping among this population is so valuable. Wherever you have an ecosystem where the primary livelihood is agriculture, related knowledge can spread extremely quickly. Include some techniques and ideas that are good for the regenerative cycle, and watch it spread.