Easter Reemergence

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Church in person, on the lawn. Rhys’ first egg hunt. Playtime with Cousin Zara. Hanging with Very New Cousin Ollie. Getting to settle down and watch My Octopus Teacher before bed (which is a profoundly beautiful film that makes you so thankful for nature, btw.)

Easter this year was unforgettable.

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Life the past year has been full of question marks, heartbreaking losses, and changes in plan. But one thing my life has shown me is that you never know what joy might be lurking just out of sight. One thing I love about Easter’s Resurrection story is that there’s always more going on than our eyes know how to see.

I’ve been really feeling the words shared by Austin Channing Brown today: “This is an anxious time. There is so much grief and disappointment. But maybe. Just maybe the impossible has already happened. What if new life has already happened- and you just don’t understand it yet. Maybe hope has already returned. Maybe something special, something miraculous is already stirring. Maybe the pain and confusion is only part of your story. What if this isn’t the end, if you don’t understand what could possibly come next.”

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