The Ecology of Pandemics

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Y’all... pandemics suck!

Sorry. Just wanted to say something that should be pretty easy to agree with. I don’t really want to have to deal with something like another coronavirus again in my lifetime.

That’s why it was pretty concerning to learn all the ways climate change makes outbreaks more likely. Exposed permafrost. Altered migration of different species. Thinned out rainforests. It’s not good.

But this also means that fighting climate change can help us avoid another pandemic.


This post notes a few ways that can happen, but for a deeper dive, check out the latest episode of the #GrassrootsPodcast I just released! I talk to:

🌱 Shannon Osaka from Grist about some of the scientific links between climate and virus risk.

🌱 Laura Vargas from the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative in Peru about how we can learn from indigenous communities how to integrate safeguarding our forests with protecting our health.

🌱 Rev. Anna Woofenden who explains how churches can truly fulfill their purpose during a pandemic by serving their most vulnerable neighbors (a refreshing conversation after seeing a lot of American churches do the exact opposite)

I’m especially proud of the caliber of interviewees I had on this episode. Go give them a listen on Spotify/Apple Podcasts/etc.