February 2024

Okay, can I just go off on February 2024 for a little bit? This past month was ridiculous!

The hardest part was going without 40%-ish of our childcare support for most of the month due to travel plans, road closures, and health. Deanna and I had a few days a week of taking on all three kids by ourselves for long chunks of time. We both dealt with this while being sick and trying to mend. For me, it was the worst I’ve gotten sick in recent memory. On top of that, we had to deal with power outages at home a few different times.

In spite of that, I somehow ran five half-marathons. All on Thursday mornings before work. One while recovering. One during a flash flood warning.

I played three improv shows, including my class graduation show.

I started interviewing media teams in Thailand for an upcoming project, and planning two international trips.

And we got a visit from some of our closest friends.

I don’t want to glorify busyness or not taking care of yourself. But sometimes life gives you no choice but to power through. Now time for some serious naps and spicy ramen all throughout March.