Great New Kids Books

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Some of the most exciting creative stuff happens in kids’ books. At their best- they speak to both current kids and everyone’s inner child.

The past month or two have been incredible in terms of newly released kids books. One right after the other.

The Circles All Around Us by @bradmontague and @kristimontague is a beautiful book about making the whole world your community. Pro-tip: Check out some of the recent videos Brad has been putting out to go alongside the message of this book!

What Is God Like by @rachelheldevans & @matthewpaulturner is an absolutely beautiful book. You can read each page or look at each of @_yhtan_’s illustrations and see something true and beautiful- then look again and see deeper layers of meaning and art. I love that it invites wonder and curiosity and reverence into some of those early God conversations, rather than oversimplified dogmatic takeaways.

And while it has a totally different tone but I absolutely love reading A Pizza With Everything On It by @kylescheele & @andyjpizza to Rhys in the most over the top voices. It’s an absurdist father-and-son book and that’s totally my jam.

When’s the last time a kids’ book stopped you in your tracks?

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