Hello 2020

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Hello 2020.

Brand new year. Brand new adventure. 🌄

This is exactly the way I would want to start the new year and new decade. Quality time with Deanna, Rhys, and Beignet. Roaming around a National Park. Camera in hand. Snow on the ground.

It’s a simple image of the best things that have happened to me over the past ten years, and what I want to spend the next ten years invested in.

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I’m the kind of person who always wants to believe that the best is yet to come. It feels so appropriate to start the new decade with a two-month old. With a new opportunity to pass along those good things.

This year will introduce each of us to new people, new places, new versions of ourselves. We’ll be invited into relationships, adventures, tasks. I guess the ultimate quest is to do what the National Parks have been instructing us all along– leave it all better than you found it.