Human Subjects

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You know what kinds of photos give me the most joy to capture?

I only found this out after ten years of taking pictures, starting as a hobbyist and discovering how photography fits within my broader career as a storyteller. I experimented with different styles. Went through different stylistic phases. Totally abandoned some aesthetics.

I get the most enjoyment out of working with human subjects who live lives that seem ordinary, but really contain volumes. I especially love capturing these moments across borders and cultures. I love how the same image can remind us of how we can be born into such different circumstances, while still sharing the same threads that make us human.

I see a similar thing being done (albeit at a much higher level) by A Great Big Story. I remember reading somewhere that while they tell a wide variety of stories, they’re all supposed to leave the viewer with a sense of feeling awestruck.

I want all of the stories I capture to lead people to remember how life is sacred, and to believe we are all connected.

In recent years, I’ve been able to tell stories from Colombia, Haiti, and Thailand. Transitioning to becoming a dad has meant I’ve been on hiatus from this part of my work for a little while- and I’ll probably continue to lie low for at least a few more months. But I still have a deep excitement for it. And I can’t wait to get back out there.