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Time for a family update ⚠️ This one was years in the making...

Deanna is OFFICIALLY a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. I can’t think of many other times I’ve seen someone pursue a goal this persistently... this has been a target of hers since 2012. Literally as long as we’ve been a couple.

After you finish your Masters of Social Work they say it might take two years to log enough supervised hours. She finished in 2014, and I know you MATHLETES right now are hacking away at your pocket calculators saying, WAIT‼️ That was six years ago.

Yup. That two year timeline is the best case scenario that doesn’t account for time in between jobs or the time in between getting a job and getting supervised. Or moving out of state. Or dealing with health emergencies. Or having a baby.

Deanna literally overcame all that. She got those hours and applied for the final boss battle: the licensure exam. She got approved to take the test a few months ago but needed to get a medical exception to access medicine during the four hour test. Guess what happened the week that approval came in the mail? A global pandemic.

While in quarantine we’ve been wondering about this test hanging in limbo. And then on Tuesday, we discovered that tests were happening, but in very small doses because of distancing and what not. Because of that, there was only one spot left between now and the end of summer.

After a 36-hour cram, sprinting to San Diego and taking a test for four hours in an N95 mask... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

I have the most persistent, hard-working, skilled wife... and I am so happy for her meeting this much deserved accomplishment. The mental health needs of the world loom large. We’re lucky to have Deanna.

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