Love, Fear, and Contagion

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The most contagious virus of all is fear. But perhaps the second most contagious thing is apathy.


While COVID-19 unfolds, we’ve got to stay human. There are two generally unhelpful responses I keep seeing.

1️⃣ This is very, very bad. Prepare for the worst!

2️⃣ Stop worrying people! This is all just an overrated media frenzy that will go away. Besides, unless you’re old or immunocompromised, it probably won’t kill you.

That response makes it seem like the lives of the elderly or medically vulnerable aren’t equally valuable. Plus, the worst case scenarios- Iran, Washington State, etc. became far more deadly when people were overconfident and underprepared. The most vulnerable suffered.

Calls to panic are equally unhelpful. It leads to people stockpiling and price gouging masks and sanitizers, making it harder for the population who actually needs these things to find them. At its worst, fear teams up with prejudice against entire groups of people.

Turns out, I had a lot of thoughts on love and fear and concern and panic. I wrote an extended blog post- like the kinds I used to write- and linked it in my bio. 🔗This question of fear vs. concern doesn’t just apply to viruses, but to climate change, migration, and beyond.

An excerpt:
Here’s what I believe now: I still believe love is the highest calling and that perfect love casts out fear. But I don’t think that means never being afraid. It means moving through your fears, not around them, in order to do the right thing. Dismissing the concerns of other people isn’t being fearless, it’s simply being asleep to your own fear. And it isn’t helpful.

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