Making Up for Lost Time

I’ve interviewed a lot of people doing big things for nature. I remember several years ago talking to a South African lion conservationist, learning so much about all that goes in to protecting a species. I asked him where this journey all began and he cited a childhood in South Africa with a lot of time spent outdoors… not with lions per se, but in nature. Gaining an appreciation for the natural world.

This is such a common thread among environmental protectors, but you know what? This wasn’t my experience. I felt like I spent way too much time inside. Part of it was living in a suburban setting with parents who were really limited in their ability to move around a city that prioritized cars over people. I grew up hearing friends talk about their camping trips, and when I finally got the ability to take myself to the national parks and state forests I heard so much about… I was hooked.

All that to say, if you didn’t grow up with the most outdoorsy childhood, there’s still room for you to reconnect. We’re all part of creation, so we can’t ever be all that separated from the natural world when you think about it.