Microfinance and the Planet


Why would an environmental org care about microfinance?

You work for an environmental org, right? Why are you always talking about microfinance?

It’s a worthwhile question. People recognize the stuff Plant With Purpose does like planting trees and soil friendly farming. But you get to the part where we help rural villages start community led banking groups and that’s a little out of the frame that most people have around environmental work.

I actually think these groups are one of Plant With Purpose’s coolest program interventions. And they’re a big part of the reason our environmental work is so effective.

Traditionally, environmental causes have been looked at as quite separate from human causes. But the links between poverty and environmental damage are strong. And it goes both ways. One of the biggest causes behind rural areas’ contribution to deforestation is the lack of opportunities.

About 30% of the world is unbanked. Mostly women. Here’s how changing that creates a healthier environment.

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