Nine Years, Huh?

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Nine years already, huh?

Deanna and I didn’t start dating until we’d been close friends for three years. It was the classic storyline you’d see on a TV series, where you can tell the writers were ramping up to it for a few seasons.

Actually, there were many reasons the start of our dating felt scripted, down to me asking her out not knowing it was just days before the deadline she told herself she’d move on if I didn’t make a move... the deadline was literally crossing the finish line at a marathon and this was all a couple weeks before we graduated.

Back then, I would’ve said it was like a movie. And all that was before the globetrotting, the hospitalization, the miracle baby, the medical breakthroughs, and survival moves. At this point we’ve probably hit cinematic universe status.

So glad I beat that finish line.

Love you so much Deanna - life keeps our hands full these days but it’s still even better than anything I could’ve imagined in 2012.