Nostalgic for the Present

I usually find myself prone to nostalgia.

It just takes a few notes of a song from 2009 and suddenly it feels like I’m back in a dorm room, getting ready to go out for the night. The world feels like a hundred things to be discovered within each hour.

There’s definitely an unhealthy side to misplaced nostalgia, but I think I view it a bit more positively. It’s what happens when you throw together the seemingly incompatible ingredients of melancholy, loss, and gratitude.

It means I really appreciate what my life has been at one point.

It also makes me wonder if it’s even possible to cultivate a sense of nostalgia for the present. Sure, it probably wouldn’t even be called nostalgia anymore at that point. But to be able to bring that sense of romantic appreciation for the scenes of life that are currently unfolding… that sounds like a lovely thing.