One Hard Day

I know I share a lot of pics (like this one from June Lake last year) of my family lookin’ cute AYE EFFE and while that’s the reality of it, so too are the challenges.

Not gonna lie, yesterday was probably my toughest single day of parenting yet. I told Deanna it was probably a top fiver, then she asked me if I could think of anything that came close.

Rhys got hand-foot-mouth disease, which… even the name of that virus makes ya cringe. Thankfully it’s contagion risk to us is pretty low and it just needs to run it’s course, hopefully before the twins show up. We did have a false alarm over the weekend, though, so who knows?

Rhys is a fighter, though this thing is painful! Not much interest in food, naps, or play yesterday, just lots of telling me “mouth hurts.” 🥺 Pobrecito.

Anyways, this feed is about to have lots of sweet baby stuff, so I’m sharing these kinds of moments too so it’s not all good-vibes-only, but all of the real honest vibes. And as a reminder that you make it to the end of these days, fall asleep to watching travel YouTubers on the couch before even getting to open the can of cheap Korean beer, and it ends up being the deepest, sweetest, most well earned sleep you can imagine.