Panta Rhei

Panta Rhei.

Ever hear of that phrase?

It literally means ‘everything flows.’

It’s attributed to the Greek philosopher Heraclitus to describe how change is constant. He said “You cannot step twice into the same rivers; for fresh waters are ever flowing in upon you.”

Even if the river were static, it couldn’t be the same thing twice, because you yourself are changing.

That’s been an especially helpful reminder for me over the past few months, as I’ve been living in a stretch of my life that is simultaneously extremely demanding but incredibly sweet.

At the day to day level, it’s also felt like the same day over and over again, and as someone who thrives off breaking routines and going to the unfamiliar, it’s been challenging in ways that go beyond the physical tiredness.

But lately, I’ve also been delighted more and more by the small moments in between and the sheer sweetness of it all.