Parents in Reverence

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Children need to see their parents in reverence.

I heard Pete Holmes on his podcast attribute this quote to Richard Rohr. So I started looking it up to see its original source. I couldn’t find anything. Instead all my searches led me to articles with titles like- How To Teach Your Child Reverence For Parents.

Close, but different. But kind of close.

In fact, it seems like people who try to engineer a sense of reverence for themselves in others end up getting resentment instead. The people I grew to admire and respect the most all seemed to each have their own profound sense of wonder for different things.

🌌The mystery of faith.
🏞The beauty of the earth.
🗾The diversity of the planet.
🎑The bedrock of family.

I think wonder is the purest form of wisdom.

The people who I admire most are driven by something bigger than themselves. And it’s something I want Rhys to see in the life I live.

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