Plant One Tree


It’s #GivingTuesday and the thing I’m most excited about is planting trees. Did you know that planting a tree only costs a buck???

$1 = 🌲

It’s been a rough year for… well, pretty much everybody. I’ve seen a lot of my favorite nonprofits make the painful call to let go of some staff. And some of the people who have it hardest were those who nonprofits serve. Those struggling with safety, food security, ecological health, etc.


There’s this quote that gets attributed (probably incorrectly) to Martin Luther. “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.”

There’s a similar energy I’ve seen from @plantwpurpose communities this year. The image of families planting a tree that improves the land for generations especially stands out in the middle of a pandemic, tropical storms, political unrest, and everything else that’s come up. It’s the simplest act of hope and belief that their kids could still one day live in a better world.

Go check out the link in my bio to plant trees at a buck a piece. I can’t think of a better return. It’s one of the most accessible, low-cost, but high-impact ways to help people for years to come.