PNW Roadtrip, Pt. 2

Camera happy in the Pacific Northwest. A little more highlight reel from last month’s adventure.

Pulling over somewhere in the Olympic Peninsula for a photo opp because the whole thing looks like this.

Pulling over somewhere in the Olympic Peninsula for a photo opp because the whole thing looks like this.

A lunch break in the underappreciated Quilcenes State Park.

A lunch break in the underappreciated Quilcenes State Park.


A full on waterfall on the side of Seattle’s REI.

Rhys digging nature. Kinda literally.

Rhys digging nature. Kinda literally.

@pipsoriginal run in the morning with Rhys.

@pipsoriginal run in the morning with Rhys.

Kinokinuya- I think this is the largest Japanese/East Asian bookstore in the U.S., right on the side of the Uwajimaya Village in Seattle’s International District.

Kinokinuya- I think this is the largest Japanese/East Asian bookstore in the U.S., right on the side of the Uwajimaya Village in Seattle’s International District.

Rhys outside the fifthwheel where we spent a trio of nights in Sequim.

Rhys outside the fifthwheel where we spent a trio of nights in Sequim.

A walk through the Heart of the Hills Campground… this was an incredible campground that I might have to come back to sometime to spend some nights.

A walk through the Heart of the Hills Campground… this was an incredible campground that I might have to come back to sometime to spend some nights.


Trees everywhere.


Rhys outside the tiny home we stayed at in Medford for scale.