Rhys Turns Two

Rhys, I can’t believe I have a two year old now!

The Terrific Twos, I heard, yeah? Where they’re super compliant and only want to make your life as easy as possible? Cool, buddy, let’s do this!

I say over and over how much I love being your dad and it’s so true. Look at how much we’ve done and how much has changed between last year and now? You started school, we moved to a new place, you went on some big adventures to Washington and Arizona… I love how much you love the snow. I’m still getting used to you talking as much as you do these days. And now you’ve got this big brother gig coming up!

It’d be easy to lean into all the excitement ahead of us, cause there’s plenty, but I’ll have to admit, I’ll also really miss your one year old self too. Climbing things, doing your little foot shuffle thing when there’s too much to be excited about, making you laugh while getting you down to sleep. You brought so much joy to the past year, which wasn’t always the easiest.

I absolutely love being your dad. Happy birthday and I hope you like your fish cracker cake.