Shoutout to the Medics

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I’m feeling so much appreciation for the healthcare workers of the world right now.

This moment should rightfully challenge our ideas of what careers and societal roles are seen as heroic. We can survive without talk show hosts and athletes and influencers. We’d be totally screwed without people on the frontlines of our health services.

I am completely moved by the selflessness of doctors, nurses, transporters, technicians, food and custodial teams, public health officials, and researchers right now. On the other side of all this, I hope they’re given so much special recognition by our reimagined world.

I’m proud to be from a Filipino family FULL of medics. Doctor dad. Nurse mom. Nurse aunt. Doctor aunt.

I’m thankful for all the healthcare workers who took care of my wife as a kid, long before we met. For the ones in Portland who helped us through a pretty scary infection four years ago. For our OB who helped us successfully navigate a pregnancy with all kinds of complications.

Being a healer is one of the highest callings.

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