Someone Else's Turf

Getting ready to travel soon, for the first time with my 3-under-3 crew. And here’s a big perspective on travel I’m hoping to pass on.

I think travel is good for people, generally speaking, and I don’t like to gatekeep what travel should look like. If you like cities, cool. Lots of human culture and story there. If nature’s more your thing, I feel that too.

I used to be all about the budget solo backpacking, but now that kids have entered the picture, I’m seeing all the times paying for a few more conveniences is worth it in the long haul.

But there is at least one mindset that I am absolutely opposed to, and it’s the one that completely looks past local communities, cultures, and environments and only sees a personal playground. One where a place’s worth is only defined by how much it’ll cater to a visitor’s comfort or interests or Instagram feed.

I’m all about having a good time when traveling, but I actually believe I’ve found travel so enriching because of this perspective.

When you travel, you are not setting foot on your personal playground.

You are on someone else’s soil.

You are in someone else’s home.

Have fun.

But go with appreciation and respect.