

Yesterday, a number of people wished me a happy birthday ~in spite of everything going on the world. πŸ”Ί Guess what? πŸ”» Yesterday was my best birthday in AGES!

First of all, so many of you jumped in to send cards, to participate in Zoom parties, and what not. Part of the reason why this was the best was because SO MANY of you were part of it. πŸ“¬πŸ’»βœ‰οΈ The key ingredient to a good day, in my book, isn’t necessarily a trip or a big outing... it’s feeling close and connected to people. And the past week has been all about that.

Second, Deanna prepared for me a REALLY GOOD scavenger hunt that led to most of the sweet things y’all put in the mail. πŸ—Ί You know treasure hunts are my jam, but I like β€˜em on LEGITIMATELY HARD MODE. Ready Player One status. And Deanna delivered some real clever clues. POSTED a recap in my IGTVs.

Third, by liking that Plant With Purpose Post yesterday, you helped us unlock close to $600 for our COVID Resilience Funs. πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅ So good.

Above all, Deanna deserves all the props for being the ringleader of the festivities. Gotta admit, being asked to plan my 30th with her hands tied by quarantine was no small feat. But she turned into the most fun day.β™₯️ My wife is the most thoughtful, caring, brilliant creative genius I could ask to be in lockdown with.