The Big Pause

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I’ve been quiet on here. Much like the rest of the world, my life came to a pretty sudden pause.

My focus the past few weeks has been almost singular: keeping my family safe. We have some risk factors that led us to going into full isolation.

I’ll give an update soon enough about how that’s been going, but for now, we’re well. I am so glad we started taking more precautions earlier in the spread. It isn’t like me to be easily worried, but there’s a reason we have that inner voice we need to listen to sometimes.

In the meantime, just keep doing the next right thing.

It’s a simple idea, but also a profound spiritual practice, and the way we’ll move forward.

One of these days, Rhys and I will get to chat about this weird moment in history that struck four months after he was born. I want to be proud of what I tell him about how we handled this time.

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