The Phillies!

Shoutout to baseball for the important life lesson that sometimes two opposites are simultaneously true.

The ending of that World Series sucked AND the 2022 Phillies were such a weird and wonderful chaotic bunch that made this baseball season perhaps the most fun in my life.

Once the sting wears off, the reality sets in that this team coming two games from winning it all is leaps and bounds beyond the expectations of the most optimistic Phillies fan. Like most of us, I was just hoping for a return to relevance after eleven straight years missing the playoffs. Now it looks like we’re just getting started with a new era of a really fun team.

Best part, of course, were all the people I got to share this with. The group chats with co-workers, watch parties at church, and friends who know to text me during these games. Getting to see game one of the NLCS at Petco was the cherry on top. Not to mention, seeing the inner baseball-fan in Deanna take off!

The only downside (well, other than the bats going cold since Wednesday) was having my kids be a little too young to get what was going on. Shoutout to me for not missing an inning OR a tuck-in time! There’s something pretty special about watching your team go on a run as a kid. Guess that means you gotta keep this up for years, Phillies