The Process

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I’m trying to focus on goals a little less. Lemme explain.

My life has shown me that goals and dreaming dreams is worth it. They give direction. Last year, I became a dad. Three years ago, I got a dream job- telling stories about global sustainability for @plantwpurpose. I’ve gotten to travel, to create, to contribute to causes I care about. I’m thankful for all of this. And I’m happy I still have plenty more dreams to pursue.

I want to see our family grow. In size. In intimacy. I want Rhys to see his childhood home as a HQ for security, generosity, and love.

I want to keep doing creative work for Plant With Purpose- making videos, online content, podcasts that move people. I want that to lead to unprecedented growth so we can do even better work with even more people.

And I want to take what I learn and help other nonprofits and do-gooders tell better stories. I want people to learn how to promote their cause effectively. Ethically. I’d love a speaking, consulting, teaching platform where I could do that.

BUT- my current challenge is to be less focused on goals and more focused on the process.

Achieving a goal only changes your life for the moment. Setting up good systems, habits, or processes changes the way you do things, which actually leads to consistent and lasting results. And for me, I think that would look like truly showing up and being totally locked in to the moment in front of me. As a dad. As a storyteller. As an advocate.

When I sit down to write, I want to truly enjoy the thought that goes into each word. I want to care less about meeting my quota of articles written that week. When I visit a place, I want my mind fully there. When I spend time with Rhys and Deanna, I want them to know they have all of me. When I’m in front of another person, I want them to feel like they’re all that matters at the moment.

Doing things this way will take some getting used to, but I think that it’s how I get where I want to be.

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