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And the story goes on!

It’s my birthday today.

As a kid, I loved getting older. Each year up meant new privileges, a bit more freedom, and being taken more seriously.

Then suddenly... it started feeling like it was happening too fast. It kept speeding up! Years were escaping! Loved ones were getting old! Childhood was over! Then college! My twenties!

A weird epiphany eventually made me less worried about the movement of time. A lot of things can only be enjoyed in motion.

Like a roller coaster. Or music. We get these melodies stuck in our heads, the connection between one note to the next to the next. It we were to just pause for stillness in between notes... the song would pretty much just stop.

The past few years have been so full of plot twists and they just don’t stop. If anything, they keep getting wilder! I’ve never liked the “man plans, God laughs,” adage because it sounds so maniacal, but I’ll be the first to acknowledge that you really never know what’s around the corner.

So many of the best parts of my life right now at one point seemed improbable. Maybe even impossible. But here we are.

And it’s only been 31 years!

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