Thought Nuggets on Work

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What did you really need to hear your rookie year?

For the past three years a group of students at UCSD have invited me to talk about having a creative career, a nonprofit career, an international career, a career in sustainability, all that good stuff!

All the questions I got from students got the wheels turning. ⚙️ Here are some ideas that jumped out of our conversations.

🔸 Branding is all about making it clear how you help people become who they want to be. Want a good personal brand? Show how you can help.

🔹 The Growth Mindset is where it’s at! It’s one of the most valuable skills, because it gives birth to a bunch of other skills.

🔸 One of the big things that separates a successful international nonprofit from the rest is whether or not the locals feel like they own the process of change.

🔹 School is one way to learn, far from the only way. 90% of the practical knowledge I put to use every day comes from podcasts, books, even Twitter accounts I follow. Travel experiences too, of course. Keep investing in yourself.

🔸 Don’t worry too much about landing somewhere and getting stuck. Always keep looking for ways to do the work you want to do, even if you need to package it with other stuff that pays the bills. You keep evolving throughout the process.

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