Thailand, 2014

We used to dream about today.

Bangkok, 2014.

About a month and a half ago, Deanna went back to work, supervising social workers en route to getting their license. The other week she got trained in EMDR- a really emerging therapy that’s picked up a lot of interest lately.

Meanwhile, I’m over here about to hop on a planning and logistics call for a two week journey into Africa, about to visit a few different places that have held my interest and curiosity for such a long time.

And how does it all happen with three kids under three? I don’t know, man. Lots of adjustments. One thing at a time. Super helpful grandparents. Remembering that the main thing is just loving the kids and enjoying being around them.

All of this used to be a dream. Back in 2014, Deanna was finishing a grad program and I was about to start one. Programs that would hopefully set us on the path to the exact things we’re doing now. And at just the right time. Mental health services are especially needed. As is climate action. As are stories that help us be human.

The kids were always part of the dream too.

Feeling really grateful this week. And happy for my 2014 self.