Truth in Comedy, San Diego

On bucket lists, travel, and slowing down the time:

“This constant sense I have, that time is speeding away, accelerating, taking me further and further away from the ones I love… that all seemed to stop whenever I’d go off on an international adventure.

Travel puts me in a flow state. Things move in slow motion. I take in everything about my new surroundings. The irregularity of cobblestone streets. The smells of a night market. The buzz of a crowd flooding into a cafe to catch a World Cup match. Every sense gets turned up to full volume.

Within one week in a new country, it felt like I could live lifetimes. Perhaps it was my one antidote to this sense of time moving too fast. Me staying still felt like sinking. Movement brought me stillness. Maybe… I found a pause button for life.”

So thankful I had a chance to share these stories at Truth in Comedy. What an amazing night.