Twenty Nineteen


If the 2010’s were a series based on my twenties, last year would’ve been a really fitting finale.

🗺 Places Visited: Lake Tahoe, California; Charleston, South Carolina; Charleston, West Virginia; Viotá, Colombia; Jackson Hole, Wyoming; Atlanta, Georgia

🍖 Favorite Meal: Rodney Scott’s BBQ (Charleston, South Carolina)

📀 Favorite Album: Maggie Rogers, Heard it in a Past Life

🕺🏾Favorite Concert: Vampire Weekend in San Diego

🥊New Skills Learned: Boxing, Adobe Premiere, Infant Care

📙Best Read: American Spy by Lauren Wilkinson

🎞Favorite Movie: Parasite

This is the last post of my #philippesdecade series- a bit late, but who makes these rules?

All the adventures of the past ten years seemed to lead up to the birth of Rhys

All the other wins kind of seem to pale in comparison- but they were still worth celebrating. I got to be blown away by the stories of reconciliation between former combatants and communities torn by conflict in Colombia. I got to check of my 48th and 49th states in West Virginia and Wyoming. I got to launch a podcast built around telling the stories from the front lines of a climate crisis.

Of course, it’s not a finale. It’s a springboard to a whole new era. With Rhys in the world, things are different. I’m excited to move forward and to be where I am now. I’m happy about the work I get to do, I’m happy about whatever lies ahead and equally happy to just sit and bask in the moment.

I take pictures, write recaps, and celebrate milestones like this for one big reason: gratitude. Life is full.