Twenty Seventeen


One week left until the roaring twenties.

A little while ago I asked Deanna what she thought the most uneventful year was this decade. I threw out 2017 as a possibility. We left Eugene and moved to San Diego and it felt like there were months on end of trying to meet people and find our footing.

I still think 2017 was my least eventful year... which is absurd with all the things that actually happened. We started the year in NYC, Times Square and everything. I got my dream gig with Plant With Purpose early in the year, triggering the move back to San Diego. That brought me to Tanzania and then Thailand to meet communities impacted by sustainability. I got to spend a bit of time in Seoul and Malaysia. We also took a trip to the Dakotas to check of my 46th & 47th states.

It’s a testament to how wild of a decade it’s been and how spoiled I am that all that could be considered the least eventful. But also, the two years that followed that were quite the roller coaster, having some calm beforehand was good in the long run.