
11 Videowork.GIF

What videos to make next?

I’ve been on some adventures. Not just recently but over the years. A while back I started to think back over some of the things I’m lucky enough to have experienced. I wouldn’t change a think, but I do kind of wish I had the tools, skills, and means to capture some of those adventures on video back then. To share. To relive. To remind us all, especially myself, of all the good out there.

But there’s no going back I decided to start.

I also love well done explainer videos, so I sketched out some plans for a part-travel-blog, part-explainer-channel that lined up with all my travel plans. And then? They all got cancelled. I’d ironically be hitting record for one of the most stationary stretches of my life.

But it turned out to be the right creative pressure cooker. How do you channel your love for cultures and travel and adventure while not being able to travel? I made a video about that! And one about the best places I’ve ever been. And about the journeys taken by Thai food, our recycled plastic, and Raya and the Last Dragon.

Made some more about the waters we were navigating: childcare, ethical investing, storytelling… and we even managed to get in a couple actual trips!

I made a video about not being able to travel. And one about ethical storytelling. And some investigating things in life I had to navigate like ethical investing or childcare.

My love for the international couldn’t be held back either, and surfaced in topics like Thai Food, Recycling, and Raya and the Last Dragon.

Taking the time to celebrate the first half of my first year making these. Still loads of things I need to get better at, but I’ve had a good time scripting, filming, and editing. I started the year knowing absolutely nothing about motion graphics. Closing in on 100 subscribers too, which isn’t much, but I always wanted this to be about the process first.

If you’ve been watching these, thanks! Hope they’ve been as fun and curiosity indulging for you as they’ve been for me.