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And there goes the ballot. Bumoto ako.

I remember the first time I ever voted, sharing every single pick pretty publically on MySpace! These days I may be a little more selective and strategic around speaking on different issues, but I still know when I can’t stay silent in good conscience and simply gotta speak from the heart.


I don’t like how our two party system reduces our creativity towards problem solving. I hope one day we move to something that doesn’t breed division so effectively. But I do like the popular analogy of how voting is more like public transportation than marriage. You don’t need to find your match of destiny. Just the vehicle to get you to the next stop, a little closer to your destination. And hopefully not one charging in the total opposite direction.

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I hope we get the change of direction we really need. Between climate and the pandemic, there is real urgency. I don’t have everything figured out, but I do know I’m really tired of how stoked white supremacists and hate groups have been over the past few years. I’m tired of leaders who constantly say inexcusable things and rig systems to zero consequence. I’m tired of how simple, low-hanging opportunities to protect the most vulnerable, like admitting refugees and wearing masks unnecessarily become the sourest sources of debate.

It’s tough to pick the thing that’s made me maddest but right now the answer seems to be the whole batch of kids who’ve seen a whole generation of adults not only fail to reject bullying, bravado, and dishonesty, but actually praise and celebrate it.

Today, hope takes the form of a vote. And while there’s plenty more change needed beyond voting, it’s a very important step that makes much more change possible.