Where Are You Going First?

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Our summer trips were all cancelled so we’re standing in front of this picture where the Land Of Make Believe currently looks a lot like BANFF!

(Actually this was taken almost four months ago. This rapidly growing kiddo doesn’t let me get away with posting non-chronological photos like I used to!)


Anyways... for all those dreaming about being able to travel again, where’s the first place you’re off to when that’s a thing again?

Of course the *real* answer has a lot of variables out of our control but there are a few places I’ve been talking about a lot lately:

🇻🇳 Vietnam - The dream: our guide gives us the inside scoop as we make our way out of Hanoi towards some waterfalls. But first we gotta stop at this noodle shop. Oh, hey, it’s that same one Obama and Bourdain went to. Whatttttt.

🇦🇺🇳🇿 Australia/New Zealand- Sorry. I know Aussies & NZers aren’t keen on being lumped together like this, but the stuff that interests me about both countries is so similar. Wildlife, outdoor adventures, fun people. Plus most of the airlines I have vouchers for fly there.

🇯🇵 Japan - We were here last in 2014, but a weekend in Tokyo was not enough time. Dreaming of some of its less urban wonders.

🇨🇩 DR Congo - This is one of my trips from this year I’m the most sad to have called off! It was gonna be a work trip, but I’ve felt such a strong sense of connection to the Congo for a long time it’s a bit of a surprise I haven’t been there yet. Of course the DRC has a very fragile health infrastructure so I wouldn’t risk this trip until I can be absolutely sure I’m keeping this virus out of the villages!

🇪🇸 Spain - I’ve caught so many sights and smells lately that give me serious Spanish summer vibes and I’ll take that as a sign.

I could rewrite this list in a week or two with totally different places, though. What places are you eyeballing?

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