The Rise of the Storyteller

Storytelling is a total buzzword.

I often hear people say stuff like ‘it all comes down to the storytelling these days!’ Or ‘It’s not just about the product we’re making but the story it’s telling.’

I am a storyteller. Like, it’s literally my job title. And I think that’s possible because of the growing awareness of how important storytelling is. Nonprofits, tech startups, and even major cities have storyteller positions.

However, I’m not always certain we’re using the word the same way.

Some people talk about using the power of personal narratives in persuasion. Other people talk about framing a message around something like Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey with the recipient in the role of the hero. In my practice, it’s yes to all.

But where did this enthusiasm come from? And does storytelling actually live up to this hype? As one of those people wearing the label of storyteller as an actual job title… I sure hope it does!