What to check before donating to a nonprofit

Nonprofits are a whole world, and its wild to think I’ve spent the past ten years working in, with, and around nonprofits.

Its not at all a perfect sector. One perspective out there is that nonprofits exist because of various failures of society. And as we learn new things and the world changes rapidly, the nonprofit space can get very complicated very quickly.

These complexities can be frustrating when you just want to simply do something good, but I’ve learned that each one is a teacher and even a decade into this, I’ve got a lot to learn. At the end of the day, my experiences with nonprofits have helped remind me of all the good in the world, and have helped introduce me to some people I love and admire. But that isn’t always everyone’s experience.

I made this video for those who care about things and discover cool organizations and know they should do some homework before donating, but might not really know where to get started.