bell hooks

"The moment we choose to love, we begin to move against domination, against oppression. The moment we choose to love, we begin to move towards freedom, to act in ways that liberate ourselves and others. I believe whole-heartedly that the only way out of domination is love. And the only way into really being able to connect with others, and to know how to be, is to be participating in every aspect of your life as a sacrament of love."

There was no way I could choose just one bell hooks quote. But I love that in choosing several the throughline of love becomes so obvious.

I’m not gonna pretend to be extremely well versed in bell hooks’ writing. Still haven’t gotten to reading one of her books in full, yet, but that’s on the docket for 2022. But from every excerpt, her vision is so clear. Even if you haven’t read much of her work, she’s no doubt influenced the people who influence you.

Can’t wait to do my own deeper dive.