Earth Day Reads

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Tomorrow is Earth Day, thus I thought I’d share some of my favorite recent reads on forests, trees, and moss that I’ve loved.

These are all members of nature that are easy to take for granted because we see them all the time. But there is so much we don’t know about these pieces of plant life that even the smallest slice of recent research and ancient knowledge can be astonishing.

If you’re wanting to step up your sustainability game, wonder is a great place to start.


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The Hidden Life of Trees underscores some of the amazing ways trees behave in a community. Not only does this book underscore the importance of old growth forests, but it offers the reminder that we can learn so much from trees.


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That book was actually the inspiration to The Overstory- an expansive novel that follows at least twelve characters, often through multiple generations. The connectedness of trees is clearly the inspiration of showing how connected we are as people, and our connection to the Earth. And somehow Richard Powers manages to do this without feeling preachy at all.


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And then there’s moss. I’ve shared my appreciation for moss here before and Robin Wall Kimmerer (widely known for Braiding Sweetgrass) is behind so much of that appreciation. Her book on moss was the starting point to this recent obsession.


Got any faves that would belong on a shelf next to these?