The Archive

Loving others in a time of global epidemic

Loving others in a time of global epidemic

This isn’t going to last forever

This isn’t going to last forever

Checking in to a new decade, loving the process

Checking in to a new decade, loving the process

My top ten reads in both fiction and nonfiction.

My top ten reads in both fiction and nonfiction.

Where do guns belong in the world we wish to create?

Where do guns belong in the world we wish to create?

Visiting a Karen Refugee Camp in Northeastern Thailand

Visiting a Karen Refugee Camp in Northeastern Thailand

Why sudden political changes aren’t the long-term answer to everything.

Why sudden political changes aren’t the long-term answer to everything.

There are many good reasons to travel

There are many good reasons to travel

My favorite photos of the 2010s

My favorite photos of the 2010s

A Year of Joy

A Year of Joy

The long version of how Rhys Miguel was born.

The long version of how Rhys Miguel was born.

If you solve enough problems, you get to go home.

If you solve enough problems, you get to go home.

Settling into a Johannesburg neighborhood I’ve been warned about.

Settling into a Johannesburg neighborhood I’ve been warned about.

God is Love. We love to complicate that message, though, don’t we?

God is Love. We love to complicate that message, though, don’t we?