Family Matters

New year, new babies… time to update the family theme song. I always thought Family Matters went the hardest with their opener.

This was actually the result of not having a whole lot to film during a two week quarantine. Speaking of openers, on New Years Day we learned Rhys (and thus all of us) were ‘rona exposed last week. We still don’t have test results, and it’s tough to separate a symptom from newborn-induced sleep deprivation, but since Omarion gets around as easy as Beignet’s hair… I’m assuming it’s here. Mildly. Thanks for the shots.

The harder blow was losing daycare and grandparent support for two weeks. I’d already been feeling the challenge of the three-under-three thing, which is why daycare was too tempting to pass up, even when I had a strong feeling that last week might’ve been a good one to sit out.

We’re now halfway through the two weeks and I’m pleasantly surprised with how we’ve made it work. I’ve gotten good moments with each of the kids, and in some ways I’m more at ease with three super-littles at home than I was before.

In spite of this, I still feel really good about this year in a way that kinda breaks logic.