Not Just the Throne

I don’t like to be too preachy here, but I keep seeing the same idea repeated again and again by, um, actual preachers: It doesn’t matter who wins, God is on the throne.

You can expect to hear this on queue each election, like Mariah Carey’s Christmas jams in mid November.

It’s a true statement, but also incomplete.

This shouldn’t be a phrase used to placate our concern for the poor, the vulnerable, the sick, or the oppressed- those who have the most at stake in each election. This shouldn’t lower the volume of our cries for justice.

Speaking to my Christian faith, while God is on the throne, Jesus completely rewrote the playbook on what you do with that kind of power. He got up to wash feet.

American Christianity is already too throne obsessed. The world at large can recognize all that we’ve compromised in a pursuit of power. Can a reminder of God on the throne be helpful for some of us? For sure. But a true awakening to how we find Christ among the marginalized? That’d be truly revolutionary.