Election Reflections

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A lot can feel very complex right now.

How do we build unity without sacrificing justice?

How do we dismantle the conditions that led to the last four years?

How do we hold new leaders accountable?

How do we keep momentum, fight complacency, and resist accepting a “return to normal” as a substitute for a better future?

I’m learning a lot but I sure don’t have all those answers.

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There’s room for all that complexity.

But there’s also clarity.

You can check in with your soul and body and ask, what thoughts or feelings can I absolutely not deny right now?

For me, and for so many, it’s joy. Relief. And yes, hope.

It’s immediately thinking of the next generation with bigger dreams.

It’s wanting to celebrate in community, but also wanting to protect that community, so adapting to a car parade on my street.

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I saw Blair Imani share, “I’ve never heard of an organizing framework that says don’t celebrate.”

I heard of a Dreamer friend, who went out and bought shelf organizers this week. And something so simple was so worth celebrating. A chance to unpack. A chance to dig in and plant roots and to make a home and pursue good for the land.

Let complex things be complex.

Let what’s clear be clear.

And like my friend Kathleen wrote yesterday: if you lead with Love, you will be on the right path